Ep. 96 – Dr. Ryan Woldahl and Dr. Laura Truby – Met at AZCPM/Married in Residency!

On this episode of Dean’s Chat, Dr. Jeffrey Jensen welcomes Dr. Woldahl and Dr. Truby, a couple who met at the Arizona College of Podiatric Medicine and are now in their second year of residency in Michigan. They discuss their academic and personal journey, sharing insights on how they met and the beginnings of their relationship. Tune in to hear about their experience as podiatric medicine students turned colleagues in the field.

This is a fun episode because Ryan and Laura met at AZCPM, started dating, and got married just before graduation. We all know “couples” in podiatric medicine and “Dean’s Chat” will be interviewing many of them in the coming months sharing many great stories! 

Dr. Woldahl completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Florida, Dr. Truby graduated from Northern Arizona University. Currently, they are both 2nd year residents, Dr. Truby at Ascension Genesis Hospital and Dr. Wohldahl at Central Michigan University.  

In the podcast episode, Dr. Waldahl and Dr. Truby shared their journey as a couple pursuing podiatric medicine and successfully navigating the residency match process. Their experience highlights key factors that can help couples in similar situations 

Dr. Woldahl and Dr. Truby highlight the hands-on nature of podiatric medicine, emphasizing the opportunity for extensive surgical experience and specialized training. They mention that podiatrists are very busy and are known for being good at what they do, showcasing the depth of expertise and skill required in the field.

They discuss the tailored practice that podiatrists often have, allowing them to focus on areas they are passionate about within the field. This tailored approach contributes to the high level of satisfaction and happiness among podiatrists, as they can align their practice with their interests and strengths. Dr. Woldahl and Dr. Truby’s experiences in their residency programs further emphasized the hands-on training and the variety of surgical and orthopedic opportunities available in podiatric medicine.

The couple’s experience underscores the importance of couples in podiatric medicine proactively discussing their priorities, aligning their goals, and making strategic decisions during the residency match process. By fostering effective communication, sharing common objectives, and considering geographic preferences, couples can enhance their chances of successfully navigating the challenges of residency training together.

Their story highlights their educational experience at AZCPM, planning their 4th-year clerkships, and the matching experience for residency.  Listen to these great discussions on their residency programs for students contemplating clerkships and residency in Michigan!  Enjoy!


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