Ep. 128 – Martha Kenny, MD Physician Coach/Anesthesiologist/Researcher

In today’s episode, Deans chat Co-Hosts Drs. Jeffrey Jensen and Johanna Richey interview Dr. Martha Kenney, a board-certified pediatrician and pediatric anesthesiologist. Come with us as we discuss common myths which can trap us into burnout and exhaustion. As a certified professional life coach and certified behavioral design consultant she also provides a framework to help physicians design a life that truly matters. Join us as we talk about how to determine the things that matter most, how to establish tiny habits and the opportunity costs of saying yes to everything.  

Dr. Kenney completed her undergraduate education at Brown University followed by medical school, residency, and fellowship training at Johns Hopkins University. Originally from Ghana, Dr. Kenney talks about a childhood friend with sickle cell disease and she describes how this impacted her decision to go into medicine to help patients like her friend. She is currently an assistant professor at Duke University where she leads the Pain Equity and Disparities Lab.  Her research is focused on pain in people living with sickle cell disease and marginalized communities and is supported by a 5-year K award from the National Institutes of Health. She also holds several prominent leadership positions, including guest editor for the Journal of Pain, member of the professional development & education committee and co-chair of Diversity, Inclusion & Anti-racism SIG for the US Association for the Study of Pain, member of the National Pain Advocacy Center’s Science & Policy Advisory Council. 

Outside of teaching medicine and conducting research, Dr. Kenney is a certified professional life coach and certified behavioral design consultant with a deep-seated passion for employee engagement, burnout prevention, work-life balance and career development amongst professional women. She is particularly passionate about working with young female professionals and entrepreneurs. She is a sought out speaker and has spoken at prominent universities and national conferences and facilitated workshops. Fun fact- Dr. Richey and Dr. Kenney met as Dr. Kenney was the keynote speaker at an Orthopedic women’s symposium with OneAO. We hope you enjoy all the delightful insights she shares with us! 

If you wish to get in contact with her: 



Email: [email protected]

Here is a free 5 day career guide to start building the life you imagined


Opportunity for a group coaching session including 1:1 interactions with Dr. Kenney
